Friday, October 28, 2016

Hazel Rivers - 10 Months

Wow! 10 months down and only 2 to go until Hazel is 1.  I can't believe it, it really does just fly by. 
At 10 months we are sitting up unassisted, getting pretty good at feeding ourself. She loves food! 
Hazel almost has 4 teeth, still waiting on those top 2 incisors to pop through. She can say mama, dada, bah bah and mumble all sorts of other sounds.  We're working on bye bye and hi, but she can give ya high five if you ask her. 

Still loves bath time

Loves riding in grocery cart, especially when Ollie is pushing

Because every 10 month old should have an iPad 

She loves playing with her big brother most of all

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