Saturday, March 8, 2014

Charlotte Celebration

A couple of weekends ago we went down to Charlotte to celebrate Aunt Shelton and Uncle Clark's wedding and welcome Ollie's newest cousin, Beau to our family.  We got to see everyone. It was a full weekend of brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins and close friends. 

Shelton and Baby Beau

Chip, Charlotte, Shelton, Me and a sleepy Baby Beau

My handsome brothers, Beau and Matt

Great lunch at Bonterras! It was delicious!

Then it was time to entertain Ollie for the rest of Shelton's party...we got creative several times 
Fun with Uncle Chip, playing tag

Then Aunt Char Char did an awesome job playing napkin snow with Ollie, this kept him entertained for a pretty long time. 

We had that whole upstairs area all to ourselves, so we used it as our personal play room for the kiddos. It was also the only place in the restaurant where you could contain them in one spot. 

Waving to everyone downstairs

We stayed with Uncle Matt and Aunt Katy's so we got to hangout with our cousins, Wells and Caroline

Little IPad action before bed

Cooking up something with Caroline Sunday morning

Wells had an intense game of Skylanders with Uncle Gary

Ollie loves their playroom

This great pic is at Aunt Char Char's house.  Ollie's excitement over Charlotte's pet turtle, Leonardo

We had a great weekend, celebrating many things and getting to meet Baby Beau. 

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