Monday, June 30, 2014

Hot Tubbing

Way to small, so we upgraded

He loves it

This is toddler bathing at it's muss, no fuss

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Cool 5

Yesterday's race was a cool 5 miles up and around Beech Mountain. While Gary was out running, Ollie and I passed the time with suckers and sightseeing. 

Ollie got kinda sad when Gary left to go run the race. So this nice lady, who runs the general store up on beech Mtn, let Ollie go into the candy barrel and pick out a sucker. Because giving a small child a sucker at 8:30 in the morning fixes everything, right???
And as if the sucker wasn't enough, one of the nice fireman let Ollie check out the back of their rig, you can see it there in the background.  This child was in heaven, a sucker and a fire rescue truck....the tears dried up and the smiles and giggles came out. Thank you candy lady and firemen :-)

Now we were all set to cheer on the other racers and wait for Daddy
This is Ollie screaming, "go, good job" he really did cheer on every racer. He was even giving them all a thubs up, wish I had gotten a picture of that. Ollie even got recognized at the awards ceremony for being the best cheerleader. 

Once Daddy came around the corner to the finish, nothing else mattered. 
Ollie took off to go congratulate his Daddy with big hugs and kisses. It was the cutest thing to see how excited Ollie was to see Gary and how Gary picked him up and ran with him through the finish line. 

Awards ceremony

Gary did a great job! He came in 11th overall and won a 3rd place medal in his age group. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Wildcat Lake

Wildcat Lake, the High Country's closet beach.  Yes, us "mountain folk" have to rely on the sandy banks of a cold, fresh water lake to get any sort of beach action.   Ollie's been asking to go to the beach, so today, that's exactly what we did. 

Testing the water, it was a tad on the chilly side

But of course, he goes in anyways

We got in some serious dump truck driving

Ollie loves the water. He just couldn't get enough...

Swim lessons are on our summer to do list 

Of course, no outing would be complete unless Wyatt wasn't there
Having fun splashing

Playing trucks

Flying the airplane

We had a great day at "the beach!" I guess it's gonna be a Wildcat summer. 

Happy Father's Day

We had a great weekend celebrating with Daddy! 

A little father son breakfast

Some playtime at the tot lot

Ollie and I took Daddy to AMB for a couple of his favorite beers
Best beers in boone


Happy Father's Day Gary!  Thank you for being such an awesome daddy to Ollie. He loves you so very much and looks up to you in a way that only a son can. We appreciate all that you do and we love you to the moon and back! 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Music in the Park Round 2

We enjoyed another evening in the park listening to music and playing with friends and family. 

Wyatt and Ollie playing T-Ball and looking for airplanes

Tossing some frisbee around

A little T-Ball time with Penley and Adali.  Gotta love Adali's enthusiasm!

Hanging out at the park is totally tubular 

Poor Rhett, he never had a chance. That little was always stuck in the middle, but he loved it

Just monkeying around
Ollie can actually grab and hang on the first monkey bar now, there rest of the way he needs help. He likes you to help him to the next bar, hang for a few seconds then on to the next one. 

I love this picture. The girls chased Ollie all over the park. These 3 are so cute together! 

Thanks to everyone who came out last night, even though there was a chance for rain. We had a great time!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Critter Crawl 5K

Gary ran his first 5k of the summer season. All his training and hardwork paid off, because he did a great job and Ollie and I are very proud of him.  This 3 mile race takes you up to the top of Grandfather Mountian with over 900ft elevation gain, it's not for the faint of hearts. 

The Challenge...
Grandfather Mountain - elevation 5,945'

A little pre race warm up/ encouragement 

Maybe we have a future runner on our hands

While Gary was getting ready for the race to start, Ollie and I drove up to the top to cheer him on at the finish line. 
We had some time to kill, so we went and checked out the sites

Then of course a dump truck is way cooler than spectacular views

We had a picnic dinner 

A bit rustic, but the view sure was nice 

Last leg of the race, it's steep

Ollie loved cheering on all the racers. He stood in the middle of the road with the professional photographer hogging all the good shots, just so he could be in the middle of all the action. 
There are runners coming up the hill, they're just the size of ants in comparison to the hill

Mommy and Ollie cheering on Daddy

Here he comes. Go Daddy Go!!!

Crossing the finish line with an awesome time 34:16!

Ollie ran right after him

Congratulations Daddy! You did awesome!