Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Cool 5

Yesterday's race was a cool 5 miles up and around Beech Mountain. While Gary was out running, Ollie and I passed the time with suckers and sightseeing. 

Ollie got kinda sad when Gary left to go run the race. So this nice lady, who runs the general store up on beech Mtn, let Ollie go into the candy barrel and pick out a sucker. Because giving a small child a sucker at 8:30 in the morning fixes everything, right???
And as if the sucker wasn't enough, one of the nice fireman let Ollie check out the back of their rig, you can see it there in the background.  This child was in heaven, a sucker and a fire rescue truck....the tears dried up and the smiles and giggles came out. Thank you candy lady and firemen :-)

Now we were all set to cheer on the other racers and wait for Daddy
This is Ollie screaming, "go, good job" he really did cheer on every racer. He was even giving them all a thubs up, wish I had gotten a picture of that. Ollie even got recognized at the awards ceremony for being the best cheerleader. 

Once Daddy came around the corner to the finish, nothing else mattered. 
Ollie took off to go congratulate his Daddy with big hugs and kisses. It was the cutest thing to see how excited Ollie was to see Gary and how Gary picked him up and ran with him through the finish line. 

Awards ceremony

Gary did a great job! He came in 11th overall and won a 3rd place medal in his age group. 

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