Sunday, June 8, 2014

Critter Crawl 5K

Gary ran his first 5k of the summer season. All his training and hardwork paid off, because he did a great job and Ollie and I are very proud of him.  This 3 mile race takes you up to the top of Grandfather Mountian with over 900ft elevation gain, it's not for the faint of hearts. 

The Challenge...
Grandfather Mountain - elevation 5,945'

A little pre race warm up/ encouragement 

Maybe we have a future runner on our hands

While Gary was getting ready for the race to start, Ollie and I drove up to the top to cheer him on at the finish line. 
We had some time to kill, so we went and checked out the sites

Then of course a dump truck is way cooler than spectacular views

We had a picnic dinner 

A bit rustic, but the view sure was nice 

Last leg of the race, it's steep

Ollie loved cheering on all the racers. He stood in the middle of the road with the professional photographer hogging all the good shots, just so he could be in the middle of all the action. 
There are runners coming up the hill, they're just the size of ants in comparison to the hill

Mommy and Ollie cheering on Daddy

Here he comes. Go Daddy Go!!!

Crossing the finish line with an awesome time 34:16!

Ollie ran right after him

Congratulations Daddy! You did awesome!

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