Thursday, April 21, 2016

Grandfather Mountain Dollars Days

It's April and for local high country residents that means dollar days at Grandfather Mtn. So for $3 you can enjoy all the mountain has to offer. It pays to be a local, most of the time.  Monday, Ollie didn't have school and the weather couldn't have been any nicer...up to Grandfather we went

We met up with some of Ollie's friends and these boys just had a ball!

They saw the Bears

They checked out the otters

Getting answers for their junior ranger books

Ollie, Elijah and Charlie having a grrrrrrrrreat time

Of course we had to finish our day with a trip up top to the swinging bridge 

The boys taking in the views

Height check on our way out... Just for fun

Ok, side note...Hazel did come with us on this excursion. She was a trooper keeping up with all those boys or putting up with all those boys. She really did great though, slept on and off and then just chill out in her stroller the rest of the time. Very successful outting with my 2 kiddos!

Ollie did not want to pose for this picture. Ollie and Hazel by the Bears

Hazel was the only one who would stop and take a pic in front of the bridge sign. She didn't have much choice. Haha :-)

Great day, great friends and a great time

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