Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hazel Rivers-4 Months

Ok, let's see, we've hit the 4 month mark. So, what are we into these days? We're entertaining the idea of rolling over.  Hazel loves to kick her legs over and lay on her side.  However, she hasn't gone completely over to her belly or from her belly to her back yet.  

We are liking the idea of sitting up, assisted

Practicing in our bumbo seat

She's trying so hard :-)

Little snuggles of encouragement...she's so sweet 

We've definitely figured out that our hands are for grabbing

A little grab and roll

Still improving our tummy time. She's getting pretty good head control

Happy baby after bath.  Hazel LOVES her bath time!

At our 4 month check up Miss Hazel weighs 13 pounds 6oz and measures 24.5 inches. She is a happy, healthy, growing baby. We had a great check up, you never would have known this kiddo had to get 4 shots. 

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