Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Happy Memorial Day

Ollie sang with his preschool at church on Sunday morning. These kiddos were so cute! They did a great job!

We had fun playing with our cousins, eating BBQ and hanging out at Grammy and DeDat's

Happy Memorial Day from Haze :-)

Friday, May 27, 2016

Bubble comes to visit

We had a great time visiting with Bubble while she was in town.  Ollie took Bubble all over town...to almost every park, 2 doughnut shops, the candy store, multiple trips to Walmart and maybe a couple stops at chic fil a.  Needless to say, I think he was entertained.  

We tried to take some family photos before Bubble left, but someone had other plans

I actually really like this picture...haha, poor Ollie 

At least we got this sweet moment of Hazel with her Bubble

This was a nice moment too, all of us together on our iPads playing the same game. Lol!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hazel Rivers - 5 Months

5 months old and we're sitting up assisted, rolling from tummy to back, grabbing everything in sight, still laughing and talking up a storm. We've gotten ourselves into a nice schedule with our feedings, naps and bedtime. Still not sleeping all the way through the night...sometimes it's 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 hour stretches but you never know what you're gonna get.  I'm hoping one day really soon Hazel will consistently sleep through the night.  

Hazel found her thumb!

Facing off with Mr Moose during tummy time

Grab, grab, grab and then straight to the mouth to investigate 

First time in the jumper.  She liked it. It's a work in progress 

She's starting to hold her bottles

Kicking Ollie in the face and pulling his hair, haha. Watch out O, she's gonna put up a fight. 

Look at that face, she's definitely proud of herself

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Just Pics of the Kiddos

Just some random pictures over the last week....

Ollie before picture day at school

Hazel is in love with bath time 

Ollie and Hazel most mornings

Rock stacks down at the creek

Soaking up the sun

Hazel is pretty magical 


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Just Another Saturday

Ollie's pet salamander, Frankie, stayed with us for most of the afternoon before we returned him back to his home in our creek. 

Hazel trying out her new teething toys

Later on in the afternoon, back down at the creek...checking on Frankie and other water creatures

Hazel's first trip down to the creek

The boys being silly

Taking Pungo on an evening stroll

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hazel Rivers-4 Months

Ok, let's see, we've hit the 4 month mark. So, what are we into these days? We're entertaining the idea of rolling over.  Hazel loves to kick her legs over and lay on her side.  However, she hasn't gone completely over to her belly or from her belly to her back yet.  

We are liking the idea of sitting up, assisted

Practicing in our bumbo seat

She's trying so hard :-)

Little snuggles of encouragement...she's so sweet 

We've definitely figured out that our hands are for grabbing

A little grab and roll

Still improving our tummy time. She's getting pretty good head control

Happy baby after bath.  Hazel LOVES her bath time!

At our 4 month check up Miss Hazel weighs 13 pounds 6oz and measures 24.5 inches. She is a happy, healthy, growing baby. We had a great check up, you never would have known this kiddo had to get 4 shots.