Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hazel Rivers - 5 Months

5 months old and we're sitting up assisted, rolling from tummy to back, grabbing everything in sight, still laughing and talking up a storm. We've gotten ourselves into a nice schedule with our feedings, naps and bedtime. Still not sleeping all the way through the night...sometimes it's 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 hour stretches but you never know what you're gonna get.  I'm hoping one day really soon Hazel will consistently sleep through the night.  

Hazel found her thumb!

Facing off with Mr Moose during tummy time

Grab, grab, grab and then straight to the mouth to investigate 

First time in the jumper.  She liked it. It's a work in progress 

She's starting to hold her bottles

Kicking Ollie in the face and pulling his hair, haha. Watch out O, she's gonna put up a fight. 

Look at that face, she's definitely proud of herself

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