Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day Cookout

Ollie had fun celebrating Father's Day with his DaDa and DeDat over at Grammy's house Saturday evening. 

Rocking horse/bouncy horse...Gary Alan used to ride this horse and apparently bounce it across the room. Ollie loves this thing and is really good at riding on it 
Teddy was his spotter

Ollie scoots the horsey across the deck

We had fun playing with DeDat's binoculars...looking at the cows and horses in the pasture across the street
Look at that face! Such a cutie!

Ollie and DeDat sharing some guacamole dip
This is really sweet

Our Father's Day Cookout spread....yummmm, steaks!

Happy Father's Day DeDat! We love you!!!

Thanks Grammy for all the yummy food and super fun toys!


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