Monday, June 24, 2013

Grammy Time = Funtime

Ollie does this really cute and funny laughing shout thing when he gets excited.  A few examples of what gets him going are when Dada pulls up in the driveway after work, he'll do it when we go play trains at the playhouse and when we pull up to Grammy's house. I've attempted several times to capture this excitement on video, but of course, failed. Oh don't worry, I'll get it and I will post it.  Anyways, back to Grammy, Ollie knows that her house is full of all these new and exciting toys and games and her house usually has two silly little girls running around. These sweet and silly girls I'm talking about are Penley and Adali, Ollie's cousins. We went over to "Grammy's Fun-world" last week and Ollie had a blast!

The kiddos at the park down by the creek

Looking for rocks to throw 

Grammy keeping a good hold onto Ollie :-)

Ollie sees a rock, grabs it, winds up and throws...good job O!

Then back to Grammy's for lunch and to goof off and play with the girls

Need to mention that this is the room of fun! Toys, Toys everywhere!

This was hilarious, a little post lunch wrestle.  Penley and Adali are so sweet to Ollie and they all love playing and hanging out together. It's funny, they still call him Baby Ollie. It's cute though, cause in their eyes, Ollie you'll always be their sweet baby cousin.

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