Sunday, June 30, 2013

Wagon Wheelin at the Park

I'm not sure why we never thought to take Ollie's wagon to the park before??? Miles of paved walkways to push his wagon around equals one happy kiddo. A reminder that at our house its hills and gravel roads, not the easiest for him to push on. So, we took the wagon to the park and now we can't leave home without it. Ollie LOVES to push his wagon around!

Yes, we let this happen...mud puddle wagon wheeling

A little off road wagon wheeling

Oh and we had to stop and say hello to the bears

Mommy had fun playing, "I'm gonna get ya"

A flower for Mommy

Then of course we had to end at the swings

Words can't describe this moment...
Sweetest thing ever, my favorite picture right now! I love you SO much Ollie J!!!

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