Friday, March 28, 2014

Job Site

Ollie loves it when Daddy takes him to a job site. They make a boys afternoon of it...truck ride, checking out heavy machinery and making sure everything is in order on the job site. 

Ollie got to sit in the bull dozer. I'm sure it was the highlight of his day. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Just Ollie J

Just a random assortment of Ollie pictures from the last few weeks. 

Feeding the chickens. He loves to do this 

A little bathtime fun with his buddies, Wyatt and Rhett

Gary's mini me :-)

He seriously wears this hat and vest daily...currently our favorite fashion statement

Wagon wheeling at the park. Our favorite!

Love this cute face!!!

Swinging at the park, another favorite

Silly face :-)

Block stacking/ Jenga player in the making

Our latest thing we do after bathtime..shower mommy with kisses. This really is the sweetest thing ever, it totally melts my heart. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What a difference a day makes

Spring is right around the corner, some days you can just taste it in the air. I know most people up here in the mountains are just flat out over it, winter.  Spring will you please show up soon and be here to stay?!? March in the High Country is basically a month long game of Spring psych out.   That's exactly what happened this week....a total psych out. 

I give you Tuesday. Short sleeves, crocs and an awesome 68 degree day. Tons of sun!

We were at the park for almost 2 hours on Tuesday. Soaking up all we could of the Spring preview

Then a day goes by and I give you Thursday.  Hat, down jacket and muck boots
Oh yeah and a little bit of snow sprinkled in too

I'm over winter and so ready for mild temps and sunny days! 

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Fun Factory

Boone's newest and only indoor playground. A whole world of video games and bouncey houses aka a kids paradise :-)

Motorcycle Game

An entire back room filled with different types of bouncey houses

Fun running around with Wyatt and Rhett

Break/snack time

Followed up by a little Karaoke

Then ending with a game of air hockey....Ollie won 6-2 :-)

Thank You, Boone, for realizing the weather in our town is unpredictable and giving our kiddos a fun place to play inside. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Skier in Training

We took Ollie skiing at Sugar Mountain. This was his very first time on skis and he loved it!

First we stopped to celebrate with balloons for Sugar Bear's Birthday

Skiing down the bunny slope with Daddy

Riding up the magic carpet to the top

Ollie's first time riding the ski lift up to Easy Street, the beginners slope

He loved it! He wanted to ride the ski lift all day

Family fun on the lift :-)

Riding up to the top of Big Red, it's a blue slope for more experienced skiers....Ollie rocked it!

Amazing view behind us

Skiing with Ollie was so much fun! He really enjoyed it and was a happy camper the entire time. I'm pretty sure we've got a little skier in the making. Although most of our pictures were taken on the ski lift, which might have been Ollie's favorite part, he skied a lot today. We're so proud of our little guy, he really rocked it out on the slopes today!  So, Go Ollie Go! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Charlotte Celebration

A couple of weekends ago we went down to Charlotte to celebrate Aunt Shelton and Uncle Clark's wedding and welcome Ollie's newest cousin, Beau to our family.  We got to see everyone. It was a full weekend of brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins and close friends. 

Shelton and Baby Beau

Chip, Charlotte, Shelton, Me and a sleepy Baby Beau

My handsome brothers, Beau and Matt

Great lunch at Bonterras! It was delicious!

Then it was time to entertain Ollie for the rest of Shelton's party...we got creative several times 
Fun with Uncle Chip, playing tag

Then Aunt Char Char did an awesome job playing napkin snow with Ollie, this kept him entertained for a pretty long time. 

We had that whole upstairs area all to ourselves, so we used it as our personal play room for the kiddos. It was also the only place in the restaurant where you could contain them in one spot. 

Waving to everyone downstairs

We stayed with Uncle Matt and Aunt Katy's so we got to hangout with our cousins, Wells and Caroline

Little IPad action before bed

Cooking up something with Caroline Sunday morning

Wells had an intense game of Skylanders with Uncle Gary

Ollie loves their playroom

This great pic is at Aunt Char Char's house.  Ollie's excitement over Charlotte's pet turtle, Leonardo

We had a great weekend, celebrating many things and getting to meet Baby Beau.