Saturday, March 15, 2014

What a difference a day makes

Spring is right around the corner, some days you can just taste it in the air. I know most people up here in the mountains are just flat out over it, winter.  Spring will you please show up soon and be here to stay?!? March in the High Country is basically a month long game of Spring psych out.   That's exactly what happened this week....a total psych out. 

I give you Tuesday. Short sleeves, crocs and an awesome 68 degree day. Tons of sun!

We were at the park for almost 2 hours on Tuesday. Soaking up all we could of the Spring preview

Then a day goes by and I give you Thursday.  Hat, down jacket and muck boots
Oh yeah and a little bit of snow sprinkled in too

I'm over winter and so ready for mild temps and sunny days! 

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