Sunday, March 9, 2014

Skier in Training

We took Ollie skiing at Sugar Mountain. This was his very first time on skis and he loved it!

First we stopped to celebrate with balloons for Sugar Bear's Birthday

Skiing down the bunny slope with Daddy

Riding up the magic carpet to the top

Ollie's first time riding the ski lift up to Easy Street, the beginners slope

He loved it! He wanted to ride the ski lift all day

Family fun on the lift :-)

Riding up to the top of Big Red, it's a blue slope for more experienced skiers....Ollie rocked it!

Amazing view behind us

Skiing with Ollie was so much fun! He really enjoyed it and was a happy camper the entire time. I'm pretty sure we've got a little skier in the making. Although most of our pictures were taken on the ski lift, which might have been Ollie's favorite part, he skied a lot today. We're so proud of our little guy, he really rocked it out on the slopes today!  So, Go Ollie Go! 

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