Thursday, May 29, 2014

Memorial Day Get Together

We had a great time celebrating Memorial Day weekend at Grammy and DeDat's house. 

BBQ eating fun with our cousins, Penley and Adali

Fun playing in the yard with the girls and being silly with daddy

I love this picture.  Their expressions say it all

Sitting for a spell to stop and take in this beautiful day

Cousin shot...again awesome expressions on everyone's face :-)

Oh and some patriotic pinwheeling

Then to end our afternoon Ollie gives us some box head entertainment 
This kid loves boxes

Happy Memorial Day! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

When you don't have a pool

You gotta get a little creative and improvise 

Think he might need an upgrade... Gotta love him for trying though :-)

Sorry in advance for yet another post of you in the buff. Love you, Mom

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Summer Summer Summertime

Parks, picnics and popsicles pretty much sums it up

 See saw at the tot lot

Picnic at Blowing Rock Park

Popsicles on the deck

Bring it on Summer! We're ready for ya!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Road Crew

Dump trucks, bulldozers, earth movers and diggers are just a few of Ollie's latest obsessions.  Construction sites to trash dumps, basically anything with heavy machinery is flat out awesome!  So we try to recreate it at home

He's very serious about his trucks :-)

When you live on a private gravel road you gotta do a little road maintence from time to time.  Especially when you have heavy rains coming your way, clear out those ditches and cut those diverters in the road. All so your driveway doesn't wash away.  Thankfully Ollie was there to help

Thanks guys! Those rains didn't stand a chance to wash our road out after all your hard work. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Cousin Comrades

Ollie is lucky to have so many great cousins, two in Charlotte and three in Boone.  It makes it nice that everyone is close by and we get to visit and hangout often.  Recently we took a trip to Charlotte to help Ollie's Bubble, my mom, babysit our cousins Wells and Caroline.  These kiddos had so much fun!

Wells showing Ollie his new game on Wii, Disney's Infinity. Ollie doesn't know how to play, but Wells gave him a controller and made him feel like he was actually playing. A big thanks to our sweet Welly!

A little Après breakfast hangout. 

Ollie having fun on their neighbors swing

Afternoon photo shoot with Bubbie/Bubble....they love her so much :-)

Wells, you are so silly. Love it!

Cousin snuggles or wrestling
I love this pic of Ollie. 
Caroline got over it pretty fast with these two boys being boys

Breakfast buddies 

Snuggles with my little guy and sweet Caroline. Only thing missing is Wells, it's so hard to get all three of them together and then get a good picture. 

Caroline and Ollie. They are so sweet together. 

Tree monkeys...Katy this stressed me out too, but Wells assured me it was fine and he climbs that tree all the time.  Boys will be boys, I guess. 

Some much needed girl time, painting toe nails

Had to take this picture of Ollie sleeping, well because he's so peaceful and sweet when he's asleep. Also, notice all the things he has in his tiny pack n, stuffed animal, water bottle and numerous trucks...some are not pictured. Whatever makes ya comfortable. 

After dinner ice cream treat... I love the looks Ollie and Caroline are giving each other 

Ummmmm, I think he liked it

We had a great weekend spending time with Bubble and our cousins! Thanks for having us!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother's Day

A sweet card Ollie made me at school handed to me with a pretty tulip. They also had coffee and pastries in his classroom Thursday morning. It was a great start to our Mother's Day weekend. 

I love just goofing around with him....this is our Mother's Day morning selfie

A special treat this Mother's Day was getting to spend some time with my mom. 
I love you Mom! You are the best! Thank you for all that you do!

All my Mother's Day cards, gifts and flowers. I just want to say thank you to Ollie, Gary and Mom for making this Mother's Day special! I definitely feel so loved and blessed to have you guys in my life!

To all the other Moms, Grandmas, Dog Moms and whoever is a mother to whatever you're all awesome! Being a mother is the hardest thing I've ever done or will ever do, luckily it's pretty darn rewarding!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Adventures in Potty Training

So, this how our Friday morning went down...

We were very very interested in going potty all morning and we had 2 successful results in the actual potty. Good job O!  He sits on the Potty then almost immediately asks for a magazine.  I guess monkey see, monkey do and hey, I haven't gone to the bathroom by myself in 2 years.  While I spent the morning packing and getting ready for our trip to Charlotte, with numerous interruptions for potty attempts. 
Ollie did this
Refused any type of clothing except his welly boots and proceeded to play in the water box

Push his wagon on and off the deck
Then throw rocks in the creek
All the while he went pee pee outside. I guess we saved on diapers and got a little more familiar with our bodily functions. Win win, right?!?

So we're finally ready to head out of town and he choose this outfit
Seriously ready to get in the car and leave and my kid doesn't want a diaper or pants. I hope we're getting close with this potty training thing. I think it's going to get much more interesting before he gets the idea completely.  Oh the joys of parenthood!  Oh and yes we got a diaper and pants on and made it safetly to Charlotte.