Friday, May 16, 2014

Cousin Comrades

Ollie is lucky to have so many great cousins, two in Charlotte and three in Boone.  It makes it nice that everyone is close by and we get to visit and hangout often.  Recently we took a trip to Charlotte to help Ollie's Bubble, my mom, babysit our cousins Wells and Caroline.  These kiddos had so much fun!

Wells showing Ollie his new game on Wii, Disney's Infinity. Ollie doesn't know how to play, but Wells gave him a controller and made him feel like he was actually playing. A big thanks to our sweet Welly!

A little Après breakfast hangout. 

Ollie having fun on their neighbors swing

Afternoon photo shoot with Bubbie/Bubble....they love her so much :-)

Wells, you are so silly. Love it!

Cousin snuggles or wrestling
I love this pic of Ollie. 
Caroline got over it pretty fast with these two boys being boys

Breakfast buddies 

Snuggles with my little guy and sweet Caroline. Only thing missing is Wells, it's so hard to get all three of them together and then get a good picture. 

Caroline and Ollie. They are so sweet together. 

Tree monkeys...Katy this stressed me out too, but Wells assured me it was fine and he climbs that tree all the time.  Boys will be boys, I guess. 

Some much needed girl time, painting toe nails

Had to take this picture of Ollie sleeping, well because he's so peaceful and sweet when he's asleep. Also, notice all the things he has in his tiny pack n, stuffed animal, water bottle and numerous trucks...some are not pictured. Whatever makes ya comfortable. 

After dinner ice cream treat... I love the looks Ollie and Caroline are giving each other 

Ummmmm, I think he liked it

We had a great weekend spending time with Bubble and our cousins! Thanks for having us!

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