Saturday, May 10, 2014

Adventures in Potty Training

So, this how our Friday morning went down...

We were very very interested in going potty all morning and we had 2 successful results in the actual potty. Good job O!  He sits on the Potty then almost immediately asks for a magazine.  I guess monkey see, monkey do and hey, I haven't gone to the bathroom by myself in 2 years.  While I spent the morning packing and getting ready for our trip to Charlotte, with numerous interruptions for potty attempts. 
Ollie did this
Refused any type of clothing except his welly boots and proceeded to play in the water box

Push his wagon on and off the deck
Then throw rocks in the creek
All the while he went pee pee outside. I guess we saved on diapers and got a little more familiar with our bodily functions. Win win, right?!?

So we're finally ready to head out of town and he choose this outfit
Seriously ready to get in the car and leave and my kid doesn't want a diaper or pants. I hope we're getting close with this potty training thing. I think it's going to get much more interesting before he gets the idea completely.  Oh the joys of parenthood!  Oh and yes we got a diaper and pants on and made it safetly to Charlotte.  

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