Monday, February 29, 2016

Hazel Rivers- 2 Months

Wow! 2 Months??? Time really does fly newborn baby isn't a newborn anymore. Insert, some tears. Hazel weighed in at 10lbs 9oz and measured 23 inches long. 

Miss Hazel Rivers is cooing, smiling, making all kinds of other sweet baby noises and is perfecting her neck muscles. She does tummy time, but prefers to hold her head up when you have her over your shoulder. She loves to lay on the floor and stretch and wiggle around. Hazel can actually roll onto her side, which is a little scary. Slow down Hazel, you're only 8 weeks old. 

We're still working on our sleep. Slowing but surely we'll get there. She'll throw me the occasional 6hr stretch, but basically stays pretty close to the 4-5hr stretches at night. Trust me, I'm not complaining, just dreaming on a full nights sleep sometime in my future. 

Today at the doctor. Sweet girl had to get 5 shots. Not fun for Hazel or Mommy, but we survived. 

Power to the babies

More of that sweet personality coming out

Tummy time!

She's trying to find that thumb

These 2 kiddos keep me busy, but I couldn't love anything more!! 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Baby Workout Class

Hazel and I have been going to the postnatal workout classes at the Wellness Center. We're 2 weeks in and lovin it! It's nice to be able to take your baby to class, have the instructor and her assistant watch your child while you exercise. Also, it's nice meeting other mothers with the same age kids.

All the babies lined up, there's usually 9-10 in each class

Hazel just hanging out during class

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Killing it as big brother

Helping out with feedings 

Holding sister
I love their faces, it's so sweet...looking a each other 
They both support the same team. Go Panthers!

Ollie is a good big brother. Hazel is lucky to have such sweet sibling. 

4 Year Old Check Up

Ollie went in for his 4yr old well visit this week. He's as healthy as can be and growing like a weed! Poor guy had to get a round of booster shots, 4 to be exact, but now he's all set to go for pre-k next year!

Ollie is 43lbs and 42.5 inches tall

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016

Friendly Adventures.

Apparently getting a sibling means you get to go on all these fun adventures/activities with your buddies. Since Hazel has been born, I think Ollie has been entertained by almost everyone in our lives. Just to make the transition to big brother go a little bit smoother. 
Check out how much fun he's been having...
Playhouse play date with Alexander
Ball pit fun

Jump World with John David

Sleepover weekend with Wells and Caroline
Thank you so much Harvey Family!  Ollie had a blast! ❤️ y'all

Swimming at Y with Charlie

Not pictured are the many, many trips to Grammy and DeDats house. We would not have survived adjusting to a family of four without all of their help! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Grammy and DeDat!!!  

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Hazel Rivers- 1 Month

Ok, so Hazel is almost 1.5 months old now, but these pictures were taken on the day she was actually 4 weeks old

 Love her little feet 

Miss Hazel has become more alert and aware of her surroundings. She loves, loves , loves to be held. If she had it her way, she would be in your arms 24/7. That being said she is a great cuddle buddy and super sweet. Which I think is her way of convenicing you to hold her just a little bit longer. Let's see, she takes a bottle like a champ,which gives mommy a break and that's nice.  We're still working on stretching our sleep out.  She's gone a couple 5hr stretches, several for 4-4.5 hr stretches and mostly it's the classic 3hr stretch. So I know she's capable of sleeping longer, we just got a get that consistently.  
She's pretty good at practicing lifting her head. She really does enjoy tummy time. 
Liked it so much, she went right to sleep 

Loves to cuddle

This is us most afternoons