Sunday, February 7, 2016

Hazel Rivers- 1 Month

Ok, so Hazel is almost 1.5 months old now, but these pictures were taken on the day she was actually 4 weeks old

 Love her little feet 

Miss Hazel has become more alert and aware of her surroundings. She loves, loves , loves to be held. If she had it her way, she would be in your arms 24/7. That being said she is a great cuddle buddy and super sweet. Which I think is her way of convenicing you to hold her just a little bit longer. Let's see, she takes a bottle like a champ,which gives mommy a break and that's nice.  We're still working on stretching our sleep out.  She's gone a couple 5hr stretches, several for 4-4.5 hr stretches and mostly it's the classic 3hr stretch. So I know she's capable of sleeping longer, we just got a get that consistently.  
She's pretty good at practicing lifting her head. She really does enjoy tummy time. 
Liked it so much, she went right to sleep 

Loves to cuddle

This is us most afternoons 

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