Monday, February 8, 2016

Friendly Adventures.

Apparently getting a sibling means you get to go on all these fun adventures/activities with your buddies. Since Hazel has been born, I think Ollie has been entertained by almost everyone in our lives. Just to make the transition to big brother go a little bit smoother. 
Check out how much fun he's been having...
Playhouse play date with Alexander
Ball pit fun

Jump World with John David

Sleepover weekend with Wells and Caroline
Thank you so much Harvey Family!  Ollie had a blast! ❤️ y'all

Swimming at Y with Charlie

Not pictured are the many, many trips to Grammy and DeDats house. We would not have survived adjusting to a family of four without all of their help! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Grammy and DeDat!!!  

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