Saturday, July 16, 2016

44 Hours without Power

Last weekend a crazy thunderstorm came through and knocked out our power and the entire county's  power.  The storm brought high winds, which took down lots of trees and power poles. The High Country hadn't seen damage so severe since the ice storm of 2009. Luckily we didn't have any damage and we didn't lose any trees. 

Anyways, when the powers out its good know people in the building industry. Then you can borrow useful tools to help your a generator 

Then you can redecorate with a bunch of power cords to hook up your stuff
Had a cooler, the fridge hooked up, then the WiFi and eventually the A/C unit upstairs. Thank you generator for giving us back a couple of life's modern conveniences!

We did end up using the spring to wash our dishes and our child.  When you're on well water, no power means no pump, which means no water.  

Then we decided to embrace our situation and have a little wash station

What's more fun than running through a sprinkler on a hot day

Shortly after this our power was restored and all was right with the world :-)

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