Sunday, July 31, 2016

Hazel Rivers - 7 Months

Happy 7 months!  Miss Hazel is getting pretty good a sitting up. Still not ready to do it solo, but she's practicing.  She can roll from back to tummy and tummy to back, but still prefers to be on her back. 

We are very into eating solids now.  She loves it! Up to 3 meals a day and long list of foods she enjoys. One of her favorites is peas and pears right now.  

Enjoys tummy time.  She's just starting to get on her knees, guess she's got crawling in the back of her mind. 

Loves to sit up on the couch. 

Her all time favorite thing is to be carried around in the Bjorn. She loves this old thing. It is neat that it was first our cousin Wells, then cousin Caroline used it, then it got handed down to Ollie and now Hazel is enjoying it.  

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