Thursday, July 28, 2016

Book Release Party

My old boss, Kim, from Sugar Mtn wrote a book. She titled it The Aviatrix.  It's about her journey of learning to fly an airplane and what flying means to her.  Apparently it's part one of a two part series. The next book is supposed to be a biography.  She had her book release party in the most appropriate place, her airplane hanger. It was an interesting evening, the kids loved the airplanes and there was free wine.  Haha

John David, Elijah, Ollie and Sophia in front of Gunther's plane. That's Kim's husband and Sophia's uncle...that's how we got the VIP invite...thanks Sophia!

Sweet boys actually listening to Kim's speech

Wrangling up all the kiddos to go play in the grass and watch the airplanes 

Running around chasing airplanes

Watching Kim's plane take off

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