Friday, September 27, 2013

Snack Time

This is how Ollie does snack time

Feet up, relaxing in his chair with a bowl of crackers, enjoying the view from our deck

Then a little singing with Pungo. 

We ate dinner outside the night before and pushed his chair up to the bench like that to eat and now he'll get his chair and whatever he's snacking on and go out and do this...pretty clever O.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ollie's Room/Construction Progress

Just a little progress update on the whole operation Ollie's room.  Last thing I left you was a halfway finished ceiling in the den. 

Finished installing T&G for the ceiling

First coats of paint on the ceiling, it looks great

Ollie and Mommy ready for demo to start

Ollie's little room before

Ollie's room after demo...took out the closet and dividing wall. Lots more room to play!

O enjoying the extra space

Then he just wanted to walk around in these rain boots. Silly boy

Now we need to frame up his room so he has a wall and a door, do some painting, etc...  The demo really opened up the upstairs. We're excited for Ollie to have some extra room!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Ice Cream

There's nothing better than a cold ice cream cone on a hot beach day. 

Give that back, dad

Want a taste?

Ummm, I think he likes it

My two guys enjoying their ice cream treat

Pretty much done, eating the cone and all

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Southport, NC

During our vacation in Oak Island, Grandpa took all of us out to the cool waterfront town of Southport. We visited the maritime museum, a park and a couple of local eateries. 

Welcome to Southport, Ollie

Afternoon beverages at Old American Fish Company. It's right on the water, we got to watch a huge ship come through. It's in the background right behind Bubbie. Ollie was amazed by this ship.

Waving to the ship with Dada

Pelicans hanging out on the wooden piers

Took a walk down the boardwalk to check out all the boats...Ollie loves boats

Waterfront dinner at The Frying Pan with Bubbie and Grandpa. The seafood was amazing! Such a fun family meal! Thanks Grandpa!

Family Time at the Beach

Ollie got to spend lots of time with Mommy and Daddy on the beach.  We had lots of sandy fun!

A rare picture of me and Gary together... I think it's a good one

Swimming with Daddy

Beach chill time with Dada and Pungo 

Giving Pungo some Ollie's beach hair curls

Warming up with Mommy after a swim 

Having fun burying Pungo in the sand....Dog Turtle

Making sure Grandpa is ok after his swim

Digging holes with mom

Hey Dad!

Late afternoon walk with Dad

More swimming with daddy

Oak Island sunset, beautiful 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Beaching it in the buff

There comes a point in the day when your kid's body is covered with sand and its a pretty good bet that his swim trunks are definitely full of sand. So, what's a mother to do?  Strip em down and let em run free :-)

Sorry Ollie, you'll more than likely be embarrassed by these photos later on 

Yes, we were "those" parents who let our kid run naked on the beach. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Beach Baby

We just got back from a wonderful beach vacation in Oak Island, NC. Lots of quality family time, beach time, relaxing time and watching Ollie fall in love with the ocean. We were surprised to find out that Ollie wasn't scared of the ocean at all, this kiddo LOVED it!  We took lots of pictures, so there could be multiple posts of this ocean love affair. 

I'm gonna try and give you the beach experience from Ollie's perspective 

O all ready to hit the beach

Loving it

Playing in the surf

Beach babe, check out those curls :-)

We also enjoyed some sandy bottoms from digging wholes and rolling in the sand

Some head dunking action, he loves to do this

Thinking about eating that sand

Just some highlights of Ollie's beach days. More family pics and other activities to come...