Thursday, September 19, 2013

Southport, NC

During our vacation in Oak Island, Grandpa took all of us out to the cool waterfront town of Southport. We visited the maritime museum, a park and a couple of local eateries. 

Welcome to Southport, Ollie

Afternoon beverages at Old American Fish Company. It's right on the water, we got to watch a huge ship come through. It's in the background right behind Bubbie. Ollie was amazed by this ship.

Waving to the ship with Dada

Pelicans hanging out on the wooden piers

Took a walk down the boardwalk to check out all the boats...Ollie loves boats

Waterfront dinner at The Frying Pan with Bubbie and Grandpa. The seafood was amazing! Such a fun family meal! Thanks Grandpa!

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