Monday, September 16, 2013

Beach Baby

We just got back from a wonderful beach vacation in Oak Island, NC. Lots of quality family time, beach time, relaxing time and watching Ollie fall in love with the ocean. We were surprised to find out that Ollie wasn't scared of the ocean at all, this kiddo LOVED it!  We took lots of pictures, so there could be multiple posts of this ocean love affair. 

I'm gonna try and give you the beach experience from Ollie's perspective 

O all ready to hit the beach

Loving it

Playing in the surf

Beach babe, check out those curls :-)

We also enjoyed some sandy bottoms from digging wholes and rolling in the sand

Some head dunking action, he loves to do this

Thinking about eating that sand

Just some highlights of Ollie's beach days. More family pics and other activities to come... 

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