Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Weekend Highlights

This weekend we cut down several trees in our front yard. We needed more light and some firewood. The Boedefields came over to help, so Gary had someone to help him with the trees and I had someone to help me entertain Ollie. 


The guys thought they'd cut a few more down since they were already out there cutting and all
Total of 5 trees blocking our driveway

Then there's the clean up

What Ollie and Wyatt were up to while all this was going on
Didn't last long until this happened
Silly boys :-) back to the trees

The clean up went well, they made a path for my car!

Then our little helper got in on the clean up

If you're wondering why Ollie's hair looks weird, he had just dunked his head into a big mud puddle in our driveway. He thought it was hilarious! 

A big thanks to Wyatt's dad for helping Gary out! Our yard looks so much bigger and brighter now. 

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